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Curious about the audio quality of my home studio?
To get an idea about the broadcast quality audio which can be delivered with the help of my home studio, please feel free to listen to any of the attached audios, which I have recorded in my professional home studio, just for you.
I record in acoustically treated audio booth, to deliver you the quality that you deserve.
Self-directed sessions?
No problem!
I can do those and send you the final audio file,
for your approval, in the format you prefer.
Live-directed sessions?
Even better!
My home studio has Phone Patch, Skype, Zoom facilities as well as Source Connect or CleanFeed,
if you want to dial in and direct the session.
All you need to do is, click the 'Get in Touch' button in the top menu and we can finalise these details.
Sakshi - English - Home studio
Sakshi - Hindi - Home Studio Sample
Sakshi - Punjabi - Home Studio
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